trudging my road of happy destiny

January 8

Good morning,
For some reason this morning I keep getting the message about keeping it simple today.
This morning my sobriety is about steps 1,2,3 and eventually 4+…
I was told early on to stay “in the day” as well as “Be of service, and to put my shoes under my bed every night so I will get on my knees the next morning and pray.” That is pretty funny, but works.
My brain can complicate the he.. out of anything. Often times when trying to be of service I go over board and then, at times, get a resentment. For this alcoholic finding the willingness to stop and just be is a big thing. My brain goes one way and then the other way trying to trick me into stewing on yesterday or projecting into tomorrow. I say “stop! Just stop!” Wow! that feels pretty exaggerated, but it is necessary sometimes.
Anyways so this morning I am keeping it simple and just being thankful for what I have and don’t have.
Have a wonderful Sunday and just be.