trudging my road of happy destiny

March 15

Good morning,
This morning my head feels a little chaotic and I am having trouble concentrating. Oh well, I will make the best of it.
Giving up my free will puts my life into the palm of my God’s hand. We shall cease fighting everything. Yes and some days it is easier than others. You all told me to look to something or somebody else to be my HP, something or someone other than myself.
Yesterday I said this one prayer and I noticed that this thing I asked for help with isn’t changing. I just realized why; because I am not seeing of the message that is before my eyes every morning. Ugh!
So it is up to me now to take the action needed to succeed in this area of my life whether I like the answer or not. It is time to get up and start moving literally.
My God does answers my prayers; I just have to be willing to see my answer.
This morning I am praying for my neice as she is having some surgery.
Please sends prayers out for her. Thank you.
My gratitude this morning is for answered prayers and for the willingness to see what is right in front of me. You all taught me to look and to be willing, so that is what I am doing today.
I grateful for my quiet time to just be without interruptions during my meditative time in the mornings. I am thankful that I have learned about the benefits of daily prayer and meditation. Lastly this morning I am grateful for this new day, all in all that it has in store for me. However, there is much more gratitude I have, but it is too numerous to list.
Have a good day.
Love Me