trudging my road of happy destiny

March 10

Good morning,
Yesterday my noon meeting was very powerful. We discussed humility and what it means to each of us. Humility: freedom from pride and arrogance. To be willing to give credit to my God and knowing that I can succeed with the guidance of my God.
I happy to say that I most times I keep my ego in check and I am willing to see how God has taken care of me. I can’t do life on my own. I need help from God and others.
Last night I was able to be present for a sobriety sister while we discussed our lives in general and I was able to have compassion for the state of her health at this time. It makes me thankful and grateful for my health today.
I have been looking for guidance and answers to figure out what I am going to do for work once my hand is mostly healed. I am trying to keep in mind how cleaning for others is hurting my physical health. I am trying to do the footwork to find the answers and solutions to my dilemma keeping in mind that it isn’t up to me.
I love that I only have to do life ODAAT.
Today I am know that time takes time. I am thankful I can help another by being present and just listening without trying to find a solution. I am thankful for the work I do have today and for knowing my God has me in his hand. Have a great day!