trudging my road of happy destiny

April 30

Good morning,
This morning I am considering what my motivation is for living a sober life. What are my reasons?
My consequences of becoming sober is living a more fulfilling lifestyle. My reason for doing meditation everyday is to become more enlightened to the things around me and the reason they are there. My sobriety has given me so many reasons to stay sober and to learn how to be a better person in general. My sobriety has given me an understanding of what it is to be a more loving and kinder person to all living beings including myself. I got sober for entirely selfish reasons. I was sick and tired of feeling and being miserable. My life revolved around how I was going to get my next box of wine; where would I find the money to do just that and nothing more. I am so very grateful not to be living like that anymore. Today I choose a more positive and peaceful way of life. My intention is to cease fighting all in my life, but to become better in tuned with others and how I can help make a better life for all around me. I am thankful to have the willingness and motivation to be better today, one day at a time.
Getting sober is a selfish act, but what I gain is not. I strive for the betterment in all areas of my life, which includes you and everything I touch in my everyday existence.
I am thankful for having the ability to still be teachable. Most of all this morning I am thankful for having a reason to go forward into this new day. I no longer sit stagnant waiting and watching my life to go by.

Have a beautiful and blessed day. May you consider your reasons for being present in your own life.
Hugs me