trudging my road of happy destiny

February 17

Good morning, Yesterday was a day of feeling a little down. I often catch myself thinking of how I don’t measure up. I don’t like that character defect at all.
When I compare myself to other women, I am always gonna lose. Therefore, I’m finding fault with God’s work, and God doesn’t make junk. I heard that from my sponsor in early sobriety; it gives me comfort and gets me out of my head. Luckily I know the signs and can stop myself from thinking like a green eyed monster.
Today is going to be a better day. I am making that decision and if I fall back I can always start my day over again.
I am having anxiety over my work and not knowing what I am going to do without cleaning jobs. I believe, if I am patient, I will get the answer. Boy is it hard not to take control and try to force things to happen. My God hasn’t let me down yet and I don’t think he will today. It is just ODAAT. I can’t stay sober any other way.
My gratitude this morning is for having enough self awareness that I can stop myself before I fall too deep into a depression today. I am truly blessed and have not a thing to complain about. My disease likes me to think otherwise. I am thankful for my hubby and my beautiful home that keeps me safe and warm. I am thankful I get to go to Florida for a few days next week. Wow! How self centered can I be. Really!
Oh well I am a work in progress and I don’t think the work will ever be done and I am thankful for the willingness to do what it takes to live as a sober woman of dignity and honor.
Have a wonderful Friday and I hope you have wonderful plans for you weekend. Let’s let our light shine! 💜