trudging my road of happy destiny

April 20

Good morning,
Today will be another good day if that’s what I choose. My attitude makes all the difference in my life today. That’s why I have an attitude of gratitude. I am willing to pray for others and share my ESAH.
It has been a good couple of days, busy, but good. Today will be another busy day and this evening I’m going out to hear some music at the cabins where I work sometimes.
It is a free music fest and they will have food trucks for eats and drinks.
I can go to such events today with our worry if taking a drink as long as my spiritual connection is strong. This morning I will pray for my sobriety, and the willingness to do the next right thing for myself. I ask for help in the morning and thank my higher power at night. I can never take my sobriety for granted, or I may drink again. I must do the work that helps me to have a better attitude and a better life today. It’s about practicing the principles, guidelines for living, in all of my affairs.
I am thankful for my sobriety and for my life just as it is today.
Have a wonderful day.