trudging my road of happy destiny

February 28

Good morning,
Truth was necessary to become sober. I had to believe in my powerlessness over alcohol and my life. I was no longer in the passenger seat of my God or beside my God or behind my God. I have choices today and have always had choices; it was whether I believed in them or not.
Today I choose my truth and to try to live my authentic self. Practicing all that I believe I am. By admitting my powerlessness I empowered myself to be honorable.
Today I am grateful for my sobriety and for learning what my truths are. My thankfulness is beyond words today; I am living my best possible life today.
I am sober by God’s grace today. I woke up sober and I am going to do the next right thing to nurtured my sobriety and my faith.
Lastly I am thankful for all of you.
Have a day full of joy and contentment.
Hugs Rose