trudging my road of happy destiny

March 19

Good morning,
Last night our topic at the meeting was persistence. Consistency was also brought up in contrast to the persistence of the disease of addiction. It was a great meeting. I have often seen the results of others in the rooms relapsing because they lacked the consistency to ward off the persistence of the disease. I have not relapsed yet, but everyday I have to remind myself that my sobriety is contingent upon my willingness to stay in the day and to be persistent in my conscious contact with my God of my understanding. I have lived with the consequences of not staying connected to others in the rooms and as a dry drunk; it isn’t something I wish to repeat. That person had no regard for others and tried to bully others into doing what I wanted at the time. I like myself as being a kinder and gentler woman of dignity and honor. There is no honor in being mean to others and not having regard to how our judgements and actions affect others. Today I choose to be that kinder and loving person. Today my life is full of blessings, and the colors I am painting in my tapestry of life are vibrant and beautiful. No grays today as long as I stay out of the trap of negativity within myself. This morning I feel blessed to have choices and be able to choose my behavior in loving kindness. I am thankful that I attended that meeting last night and was able to focus on what was being said and not on the squirrel cage in my brain. I have gratitude for being willing to remind myself that our disease is persistent and constantly working on our brains to get us to the point of relapse or death. That is why I choose to live in the present.
Have a beautiful Sunday and let’s stay out of those deep crevasse of negativity in our minds. Love Rose