trudging my road of happy destiny

May 22

Good morning,
I thought I would talk about trust and honesty this morning.
I realized last Saturday night that when I choose to listen in a meeting and not share I am not being of service to others. Granted there are times when it is ok to just listen and not share. However I haven’t shared in a meeting for a while, because of my anxiety about being judged or making a fool of myself. Those thoughts are my ego talking to me. They don’t serve a positive purpose in my life; plus, I am not truly being honest with myself. My sponsor suggested to me that I ask myself if my thoughts are true or not. This is a wonderful tool for me because it gets my brain off that track of negativity. I am grateful this morning to know and believe that with practice I can make subtle changes in my thinking that are big in my life. Today I plan to attend a meeting and share no matter what my ego is telling me at the time. Ego: edging God out. That is certainly the truth for me. I am thankful for my app Insight Timer; it is such a great tool to have in my toolbox. It helps me to be more confident and positive.
This morning my gratitude includes my puppies and the unconditional love they show me; I am thankful for my husband and for the blessing he is in my life, and I am thankful for the people that show up for me. I am grateful for the modern technology of my iPhone and the internet. It helps me to stay connected to you.
Have a wonderful Monday! Let’s let our souls shine, so we can be found.
Love Me