trudging my road of happy destiny

May 8

Good morning,
This morning I am thinking of step 5 and admitting to God and to another the exact nature of my wrongs. I did a mini 4th and have been sitting on it for a bit. It is high time to make a date with my sponsor to discuss it. Once I got my problems down on paper, my feelings temporally changed. Now I need to discuss my sponsor. Hopefully I will completely be over the situation and my part in it once I share. Yay!
Having done many mini 4th steps I totally understand how it works and am thankful I am still willing to still do the footwork to clear the wreckage of my more recent past. We are very blessed people to have written down and proven steps/guides to live by without drugs and alcohol in our systems. Every day I am on the right side of the earth I have the opportunity to do and be better and be thankful. I am thankful for my sweet friend coming over to help me organize my studio. It has been no quick fix, but it is looking and feeling better everyday I get in there and do some organizing myself.
I am thankful for the needed rain. Let’s let the sunshine do its job and shine bright on all of us. Have a wonderful Monday and let your soul shine its bright and beautiful light.