trudging my road of happy destiny

January 22

Good morning,
Taking care of myself is a combination of different things. In sobriety we are taught to stop comparing ourselves to others, so that we can stop beating ourselves up. Another way is to physically care for our selves, getting enough sleep, choosing to eat better foods and taking time to get some daily exercise and sharing with others and making time and taking the effort to reach out however fits your personality best. These things don’t come easy and I have to remember that this all is part of my sobriety just like going to meetings.
I strive for the balance in all my behaviors today. It is very easy to go to extremes and leave the other things out. That is definitely something I can do and do too often. I especially love to eat too much and too many goodies That is an entirely a different program all together, but these things and extremes all run in another.
I have found by practicing mindfulness helps me to find some kind of balance at times, others not so much.
This morning I remember I am a work in progress and Rome wasn’t built in a day. This all takes time and practice.
This morning I am grateful for a fun day yesterday having tea with my sobriety sisters. I am thankful for those times when I can just forget about me and enjoy others and different experiences.
I am thankful I am just going to enjoy a day out from the must’s and should’s and just be here without judgement. I am thankful my hand is healing nicely, and I am slowly getting to do more of what I use to be able to without pain.
Lastly this morning I am feeling grateful for having gratitude in my life rather than all chaos and negativity.
I am also thankful for you and our daily connection. Have a pleasant day and I hope you can take time for just you and what makes you happy.
Love Me