trudging my road of happy destiny

February 1

Good morning,
Most of you know I write a blog. I write about my life in recovery as well, and my health and healing. One of the readings I read this morning was about climbing the mountain, and having faith rather than fear, and not looking at the peak of the big mountain ahead, but instead staying on the easier path, looking down at my feet and being present. In early sobriety, I use that image of climbing a mountain, to keep me going one step at a time, whether I was trudging, walking or climbing, I just stayed on that mountain path making my way on the easier softer trail. I’m thankful today that I no longer have to look ahead at the mountain in front of me, and I can just watch and be on the present on my path looking to my higher power for guidance and initiative to go to next corner.
I am grateful for being able to my tapestry of life. There are lots of mountains and trails that I have taken that haven’t been haven’t always been easy. Today I choose to climb with the power of my God, and keep big faith that no matter what I will be OK. I have much gratitude for our program and for the life I have because of being sober. Last night, we got to hear a dear friend tell his story; I love to see, and hear others, and see how sobriety has changed their life by being sober. In my tapestry of life there are lots of faces, and people who have made a difference and helped me change my life one day at a time. I’m grateful today for knowing that the gift of a present is mine for the taking as long as I stay faithful to my God of my understanding. I’m thankful that I have plans for the rest of the week. I don’t have to be in limbo as I often do; there are always choices. I’m still a work in progress. I love living in the moment, and not having to project the into the next day or two. I hope you have a wonderful day and see where you are and be grateful.
Love, Rose.