trudging my road of happy destiny

March 7

Good morning,
Today I can either dance in the like the Willow in the wind or I can stand tall as the trunk of the of a tree and move through the challenges of life.
I love analogies that refer to nature. Being in nature is time when I can truly be myself and be quiet to hear the messages of my God.
I thankful for the opportunities in life to dance in the wind and for the courage to walk when necessary. My God is the wind that guides me through life one day at a time.

Starting in May I will be referring you to my blog for my daily writing,
There are several improvements being made at this time to help you all to navigate through my pages and posts. I am thankful for the help I am receiving for my blog. I got as far as I could and then I had to make the decision to ask for help just like in life. I am thankful that I have a God whom I can reach out to and receive guidance.
Life is what I make it everyday. Today I choose to dance in the wind like the willow tree.
I am thankful for the much needed rain we are receiving this morning. The ground was getting pretty dry again. Somehow, some way God provides. It is up to me to see his works in action.
I am grateful for waking up this morning, for being healthy and for the choices I have today. Lastly I am always thankful for you and this time of reflection.
Have a great day!
Hugs and love Me