trudging my road of happy destiny

February 24

Good morning,
I’m on my last day in this beautiful town. I am grateful that I got to reconnect with my dear friend and that we have had a good time, making the most of it.
Practicing the principles of my program allows me to let go, let God and move forward in my life.
I am very thankful for this principle. I have no right to sit in the chair of judgment of anyone. I claim my seat in AA just as we all have through every behavior and consequence of my drinking and alcoholic thinking. Today I pray for humility and to let go and let my God guide me to the next right thing to stay humble and sober one day at a time.
This morning I am grateful for a good nights sleep and am looking forward to this new day. Last night we had a wonderful seafood dinner. I am thankful for being provided food to sustain me every day. I am thankful for all of my life, the good and the bad because there are lessons to be learned throughout.
Have a wonderful Friday. Let’s love and cherish one another. Hugs Me