trudging my road of happy destiny

March 24

Good morning,
This morning I am giving up my need for control over people, places and things. I aspire to this principle, but it seems life has a way of getting me into a place where I grab up that issue of control and start having anxiety over tomorrow and yesterday. “What did I say and how was it interpreted by another?”Then I can look at my motives for speaking out of turn. I still have those character defects that put me into places emotionally where I don’t want to go. No one makes me do and say anything. I have choices even though I may not acknowledge them and just jump into situations with both feet and not thinking, Somehow I need to keep that filter on my mouth. Today I have the answer: prayer and sharing and helping someone else in order to get myself out of my head and stay out of trouble. Ugh! That seems like a tall ask, but I can do it with help.
Today I turn my will over to my HP and pray that I listen before speaking.
Thank goodness I can live my life one thought at a time. This morning I am off to work and to do some errands.
It is going to be another pretty day; I am extremely grateful for our pretty days. I am thankful for having choices and to be able to take a daily inventory to see where I may have spoke with wrong speech. Thank goodness for having the humility and willingness to make amends. I am thankful for a good night’s sleep and for being able to start my new day with a clean slate. I am thankful to my HP for having you all in my life today.
Have a wonderful Friday let your light shine.
Love Me