trudging my road of happy destiny

January 12

Good morning,
I am grateful for this day, knowing that everything is fresh and new today.
This morning i am turning my life over to my God and am stopping trying to control everything. It gets very overwhelmingDays like yesterday when I forgot to eat the ‘elephant’ one bite at a time can be very exhausting.
Today I plan to do one thing and one minute at a time and leaving the projecting behind.
In my meditation this morning I worked on opening my Chakras; I had forgotten how freeing that exercise is.
Today I will focus on leaving myself open to new possibilities and interactions.
This morning I am thankful for this new day and for the new experiences awaiting me. I have plans to go to a meeting today and take lunch over to a friend and reach out by making some phone calls. I am thankful for you all. I am grateful for mindfulness practice. Lastly I am thankful and grateful for my life, the good and the bad. Because every minute of life adds to my beautiful tapestry.
Have a wonderful day.
Love Me