trudging my road of happy destiny

March 31

Happy Friday!
When I look at my tree of life and all of the branches, I see all sort’s experiences and possibilities. They are all different choices and experiences awaiting me. Today I know this is today, March 31, and there will never be another day like today. It is a blessing to have all of these choices available to me everyday.
I was one day behind yesterday, March 29. Sometime time gets away from me. Guess what I am an imperfect being just as we all are, but we have the choice of picking and choosing our experiences and therefore, mistakes are also waiting for us to make. My God designed me to be able to make mistakes and learn from them. Yes mistakes are natural; I have to remember that. Often times, still, I forget that and try to do things perfectly. Perfection is a trap just like my alcoholism; once I swirl down into that hole it is difficult to get back to where I belong, an imperfect being.
“Well there Rose you are imperfect and you can accept that or continue to struggle. It is your choice.”
Today I have chosen to go on a spiritual retreat for the weekend. I am looking so forward to just being and working on my spiritual journey.
I am thankful for these opportunities; I would never have them if I was still drinking. I would never make a choice to work on my spiritual life.
Today I know that if I don’t believe then I will continue to struggle with my self.
I am thankful for all of the conveniences I have today. I have gratitude today and am thankful I have that choice. I choose to live in the present, which is a gift from my God of my understanding. I appreciate you and the love and kindness you shine on me everyday.
I wish you a blessed and wonderful weekend.
I am not sure I will be doing my check in this weekend. If not you have another thing to look forward to on Monday or not. It is your choice.
Love, hugs and prayers,