trudging my road of happy destiny

January 15

Good morning,
To let go and let God I must be rooted in today. In order to do that, I have to have a willingness to let go of my regrets and blame I of the past and projecting into tomorrow. The old timers told me that I needed to find a higher power other than myself, and they didn’t care if it was a coffee mug, or a lightbulb. Haha! I just needed to get out of myself and let someone else have the steering wheel. Today I try to live by that saying, but it isn’t always easy to live life one day at a time.
Life has a way of getting in my way of living in the moment. It takes courage and willingness to let go of the old and make way for the new. Today I am grateful that I was sick and tired and sick and tired enough to hear the message. I am thankful for today and looking forward to seeing Avatar 2 this afternoon.
My phone is all messed up so I am closing for now.
Love Rose