trudging my road of happy destiny

January 9

Good morning,
This morning I have already learned something about finding joy and happiness. I listened to my Insight Timer and learned about creating a space for joy and happiness rather than searching it out. The promises, say we will find a new joy for life through the program and working the steps. I love the promises and their message. Today I’m going to look for that place to find joy and happiness, rather than searching out joy and happiness. That is something I’ve never really done. In my drinking days I was always looking for happiness and fun rather than making a place in my home and life. Today is a new day and I plan to make the best of it. I have plans to do some spring cleaning and to deliver a gift to a friend and then go to the meeting. Today’s check-in isn’t a fancy one, but simple and to the point. I’m grateful for this morning for the parts of my body that I take for granted, my heart, my brain and my soul. I’ve never been one to put my body in high stature, and I certainly have never thought of my body as a temple. This morning is the start of having a new attitude, and the willingness place value on my body, mind and soul rather than just take them for granted. I’m grateful for you and for having the willingness to learn and relearn ideas and concepts. I’m grateful for this new day and the opportunity to make new memories.
Have a wonderful Monday and I hope you have a place for joy and happiness to just be.