trudging my road of happy destiny

May 16

“Enlightenment is when a wave realizes that it is the ocean.” Thict Nhat Hanh
How beautiful is that.
That quote just says so much to me and makes me realize how futile it is to fight my reality of my life, refusing to accept life on life’s terms at ties. In order to have some peace I must look to my faith and listen to the subtle messages that are being sent not just to me but all of us.
I will never reach enlightenment, but I can practice practice or fake it until I make it.
This morning I am thankful for the many books and information that is available for me to continually learn and guide me on the path to peace and joy. I am grateful for the times of peace that I find throughout my day. I have to be willing to listen and look for those special moments or I will miss them. I am thankful for you all keeping me grounded. I cannot do life alone nor in a cipher; today I don’t want to either.
This morning I am happy I am going to get to play tennis with the ladies. It is my first time in quite a while; I just hope I can serve. I have gratitude for my sobriety and all that it encompasses. I am grateful for you and your willingness to read my messages. Thank you. You keep me inspired.
Have a blessed day and keep your eyes open for those subtle messages that are out there for the taking.
Love Me