trudging my road of happy destiny

March 6

Good morning,

Today I can be who I am meant to me with the help of the steps and the principles of our program. I know that you are in the boat with me, and I do not have to row it alone.

Being part of recovery has opened my eyes to a new way of seeing the world and the people around me. I am meant to be willing to share my time, myself, experience, strength and hope. I tend to be very caught up in self, and you hold me accountable for my words and behaviors. When I feel I have been wronged I have step 4 to help me to see my part in any given situation. You don’t do things to me as much as it is my belief that I am worth standing up for myself. As I look around me I see how you are helping others and you are an example of right living for me today. I choose to reach out today with my daily blog writings, calling others and being available to do for others.

Well that is enough of talking about me; where do you fit in and how? That is the question I ask myself daily. It is up to me to choose and act confident. “Fake it until you make it.”

I like that idea and it is achievable every day if I choose.

This morning I am thankful for having hindsight and foresight in order to keep learning. My gratitude includes directions to live by. Today I am willing to see myself as a woman of dignity and honor. I am thankful for the part I play and have in this everyday world. I am thankful for suggestions and not being told ‘what’ to do. I am thankful for you and this daily connection, which is one way I share myself with others.

Have a wonderful day. Let’s let our shine shine so others can find us.