trudging my road of happy destiny

April 13

Being open minded is key for my peace of mind and serenity. When I am in a meditation, I have to relax and open myself to the changes that can take place as well as making new pathways in my brain.
Making changes to my behavior is an important part of my sobriety.
My mindfulness practice opens me to the willingness to helping others. Helping others is one of the main actions I take to stay sober.
This morning I open myself to the light and love of my God. My faith gets me through every day no matter the circumstances. I just have to believe.
This morning my gratitude is for the people I have in my life and for the station I hold. I choose to be a part of today to further my recovery from active addiction.
This morning I ask my God how I can be of service. I am willing to be grateful for what I have and don’t have in order to be content and be peaceful.
I ask what can I do for you today and I await my answer.
Have a wonderful day and smile.