trudging my road of happy destiny

March 23

Good morning,
All I have today has been given to me by God. However, I can twist things around so that they are all about me and stuff I want or think I need. Stuff does not me make happy in the long run. Instead that same stuff tugs at my connection to my God and disrupts the how I interpret life. Having faith and listening to the loving kindness of my God’s love is all I need today. By surrendering to my faith it grows like a seed into the small branches of a tree, my tree of life. In AA we are taught if we have and keep Faith everything will work out and we will be taken care of. My brain often sucks the loving kindness away from me when I get stuck in my messages and not God’s.
Today will be a day with trust in my heart and faith. The old timers I got suffer with told me to feed the good angel and not the bad one. Yesterday I piddled around and got some more stuff organized and sorted. I made progress and still have more to do. I am thankful the rain is done for now. The sun is coming out and it feeds my soul with it rays of comforting warmth. I am grateful for the stuff that I don’t have and think I need, and I am thankful I know the difference. I am thankful for you and all of the goodness that comes your love and acceptance.
Have a wonderful day and try to ‘easy does it’ when things get too over-whelming today one moment at a time.
Hugs and love Me.