trudging my road of happy destiny

February 11

Good morning,
I will practice what I preach and show loving kindness to the people I love rather than allow my inner child’s ego to rule my behavior and mouth. There are times when I still struggle with emotional maturity and yesterday I had one of those times. I was not thankful or grateful. In sobriety we are taught to look at our selves and strive to do better than our character defects. Fear is my biggest one and often times that inner child reacts and just doesn’t allow the adult in me to stand up for my beliefs; she crowds out my attitude of gratitude. Today I will practice loving kindness with myself and reflect that loving kindness to you.
My God of my understanding will remove the block that stands in the way of emotional growth if I ask and allow. Wow! That is a big request for that inner child to do. Today is a new day and I will turn over yesterday to my God. Today I am one more day to being closer to the big 60, and my goal is to behave in such a way of my age.
I think I will go and be with with nature today; that always feeds my soul and puts my life into perspective. I am thankful for this new day and being able to practice being the woman of dignity and honor I want to be. I know that is lessons I need to learn along the way and I choose to ask my God for help and grace. Today I am practicing loving kindness to myself in hopes of reflecting it to you. Have a blessed day and know you are loved and cared for.