trudging my road of happy destiny

January 16

Good morning,
This morning I feel much more at ease after doing my Insight practice. Today I can stand to be in my own skin much unlike a few years ago.
Since being sober, I have tools and principles to live by which help me to accept myself as I am. I don’t need to grow and improve that is my choice, which I have only really had since being sober. I don’t know how I survived before sobriety just blowing in the wind without knowing what to do or how at to do it. I totally lived on self will. I don’t recommend that to anybody; living by self will creates pain and regrets. Today I am grateful for all the tools in my toolbox that help me to live with myself today rather than fighting myself. This morning I am grateful for the new experiences and choices I will have today just by being willing and open. I am thankful for peace of mind and all of the goodness I feel today. I am looking forward to the rest of my day knowing that have have an outline of what I want to accomplish today with the help of my HP.
Let’s make it a good day and spread some cheer where we can.