trudging my road of happy destiny

March 11

Good morning,
This morning I am reflecting on how my fatigue affects others and my ability to reach out when I am in that place. Today I ask my God to restore me back to loving kindness to myself as well as others. It is about finding balance amongst the mud. Yesterday was one of those days where I didn’t reach out when it would have helped me to do that instead of choosing to stay stuck.
Today is a new day with opportunities to choose different actions and r behaviors. I have made one call already and plan on making more calls. That phone still weighs 10,000 pounds, but today I have the strength to let it go and move forward.
My life is a miracle; I woke this morning healthy and strong with my sight, my hearing and my brain and intuition. What a gift; it is up to me to find the gratitude to appreciate these things that I have. I am not sure what today holds, but I know it includes a walk and some piddling around trying to organize some things, praying I am not overwhelmed which is often the case, when there is a sense of chaos.
Let’s do today one day at a time with loving kindness for ourselves and others.