trudging my road of happy destiny

Week of February 25

February 26

Good morning,
This morning I am blessed to wake up feeling renewed and refreshed, ready to receive my day with the intention of sharing the love and light in my soul. Yesterday morning that wasn’t so, but I am blessed to have a job I love and to have good people to work with.
That made a big difference for me yesterday as I awoke exhaling the gray of my heart. It is a blessing to have good people around me. I didn’t always have that. This morning I am ready to spread loving kindness to those I meet on my journey today. Have a blessed Monday and look around you at all of the lovely people that you surround yourself with. 💜

February 27

Good morning,
Last night at my meeting a young woman shared from her heart and very traumatic events that have happened to her over the years. Sharing our deep gut truths to each other is something that we learn while staying sober. As an active alcoholic I shut away those thoughts and feelings that I had blocked out over time. It wasn’t until the last few years that I was finally able to put my early childhood trauma aside and be healed, finally. I admire the people that have learned to trust again. It is a very brave thing to share our deepest darkest secrets that we drank at and suppressed over much time. Allowing others into my heart is a gift of sobriety, and I am so very thankful for where my heart is at this time in my life. That isn’t to say that I still don’t have some problems coping, but I am much better about sharing with my sponsor and others that I have come to trust. I am still in counseling, and I am not so sure that will ever change, but I have learned that I need to have a professional relationship with a counselor. That is what works best for me. It is part of how I cope and not just hold things. That is just how things with me and having mental illness.
I am grateful for those that share, because it keeps things real for me. Today I do the things necessary to be a happy and joyful sober woman.
I am thankful for the many counselors that I have been able to work with over the years. I am not so sure I would be here if not for those professionals. Lastly I am thankful for you and for allowing me to share my heart with you.
Have a wonderful day and know that I am always ready to listen if you need a shoulder to lean on.

February 28

Good morning,
Back when I first got sober and started coming to AA I probably wouldn’t have stayed if the people there approached me wanting something from me. I was very apprehensive and had no trust left in me. I thought everyone was a threat especially when it came to my drink. My soul was depleted and dark. I had my doubts that my life could change and help me crawl out of my well of self pity.
Today I no longer feel that kind of darkness in my soul; instead I have love and faith in my heart and soul. I feel very blessed that I was low enough to try AA. I feel thankful for my counselor at the time, and I feel blessed that I still had some faith in her opinion. I feel blessed that I no longer feel that kind of desperation I felt back then. I know I am truly blessed to have my life today. I have found a God of my understanding.
This morning I am headed to the gym. It feels good to be doing something about my physical health and condition. I feel that my willingness to try different things is a blessing of my faith and sobriety.
Have a blessed day. 💜

March 1

“[The] Power that brought us to this program is still with us and will continue to guide us if we allow it.”

Good morning,
I love this. It is so very true even though I would have never of believed this during my active addiction. I gave up on my God by the age of 20. Life got terribly hard, and I left my God behind and started on my road of self destruction. That makes me sad and grateful. I never want to leave my God behind again. All it takes is a small inkling of belief and if allowed grows into a faith that is strong and gets me through to the other side. All I have to do is pray and believe.
Today I choose to allow my God to work in my life and to guide me in all areas of my life. I feel very blessed to believe. I have learned to care for myself which means I can care and love you, and I do. Today I try not to harbor resentments and forgive myself and others. It is progress not perfection. Thank you God. It is one day at a time for this woman of dignity, honor and courage. This morning I am thankful for my husband and his loving heart. I am thankful my friends and family. I am grateful for my trials and tribulations for without them them there would be no spiritual growth in me. Today I choose to grow and change when necessary in my life. God bless and make today count. Reach out your hand and see who reaches back.



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