trudging my road of happy destiny

Week of March 3

March 3

Good morning,
I really like the DR reading this morning.
It is about how our self will runs riot in our lives.
I can see after many years of working the steps and the traditions that in many situations of my life my expectations fueled my dramatic reactions. I am thankful I can see the ways in which change and growth are the answers to many of my life’s experiences.
Sometimes I just get caught up and can’t see the forest for the trees, and my actions become reactions instead. Today I can reflect and see how my ego steps into and takes control over things whether I like it or not, and sometimes, most times, I am powerless over my lack of awareness. This morning I am grateful for willingness to become and bloom even bigger blossoms in my garden of life. I have hope today and am thankful for that little big four letter word. It makes all the difference in how I experience my life today. I am thankful for my kind and loving husband. I so appreciate how he shares his heart with myself and others. I have to many things I am thankful for today to list them all. One last thing I am grateful for you, my comrades, in walking this journey of my life.
Have a blessed and joyful day.

March 5

Good morning,
I love that the third edition states that the only requirement to walk through the doors of AA is a desire to get sober. For me I was sick and tired of being sick and tired enough to give it a try. I am thankful it took and that I have stayed sober one day at a time.
This morning I am thankful for thankful for having the good life that I have. I am thankful to have found for sobriety and for having others that have had similar experiences and struggles.
I am grateful for the peace I have today in my soul.
Have a blessed day. Let’s share our heart with others and be thankful.

March 7

Good morning,
My faith and comfort are directly related to my willingness to let go of my ego and let go of my self reliance.
My dear friend Becky is really into making art. She continues to get me involved. I went to an art class last night, and I feel excited about the possibility that this time it may stick.
My willingness to be creative is part of my motivation to be more carefree and to jump into a new willingness to make art no matter the medium and material I choose.
It takes baby steps to make changes; eventually those baby steps turn into new routines and habits.
I am thankful that I continue to believe in a power greater than myself. I know that having faith is how I choose to live my life today. I am continually grateful for my friends and family. I am thankful that I made it safely to and from Asheville. I believe in praying before leaving for a trip of any kind. I am thankful for continuing to learn and give my will and care to a power greater than myself. Have a fantastic day and weekend. You deserve to live life to the fullness today. Every day is a new chance to make changes.
Much love Me

March 8

Good morning,
Learning to please myself without considering what others want has been a lifelong dilemma. Today I still find it challenging, but overtime I have gotten better. That is the co-dependent side of this recovering sober woman.
In the days when my ability to make a decision without worrying about how another person is a win for me. Today I am thankful for being willing to see other ways of living life. It is progress not perfection everyday.
This morning I am thankful being able to make the decision about going to the gym, listening only to what my body is telling me. I hurt my back two weeks ago and am still struggling with the recovery, so today, this morning, I have made the decision to not go. I know in my heart that is what is best for me. My decision was not based on someone else’s opinion.
It is one day at a time and one decision at a time.
Have a wonderful Friday.

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