trudging my road of happy destiny

Week of March 10

This morning I have a story to tell you about a once sick and suffering woman whom had entirely given up on her self and others.
She found no relief from the bottle that was once her best friend. Her belief in any sort of a higher power had diminished long ago after several runs of bad luck.
It wasn’t until she heard her God spoken from another that she could truly see the harm of that being self reliant had actually done to her life.
“Self will run riot” is not just a phase; it is the realization that only some form of a Higher Power could relieve her restless heart and soul while making her vulnerable to the powerlessness that she had found in her self and life.
Her God had never left her side, but instead has carried her through the many difficulties she has experienced in her life throughout many years. It wasn’t until she acknowledged her lack of control of any part in her life that she could see another option to be able to have survived, both physically and spiritually.
She found her way to a room of people who had suffered the same malady in her life. By relating and not standing alone she found some peace and eventually a new way to cope with life’s difficulties. She began to find happiness by clawing out of the bottle that had once held her hostage.
Today that woman has a faith stronger then any substance she had ever partaken of in the past. Her faith has given her hope and a peace she had never felt was possible.
This woman now lives with peace in her soul all thanks to the opening of a door to a group of recovering alcoholics and drunks just like her.

March 13

Good morning,
Living in the past, reminiscing about the past and resenting the past have always led me towards a drink and not away. When I was amid my active addiction, I lived in yesterday and tried to relive the past to make it more acceptable to my emotional needs. It wasn’t until I got sober that I learned and realized how destructive the past was to my being. It has been through several 4th steps and much therapy that I have finally put my past in the past, tucked tightly away in a pretty box in my cabinet of my yesterdays.
Today part of living my daily life and sobriety is, to no matter what, stay out of my cabinet of yesterdays. This morning I am thankful for my lessons about living for today. I thankful for the people in my life that continue to help me grow in my sobriety, giving me occasional glimpses into yesterday and reminding me where I have been and where I no longer choose to live. This morning I am thankful for this new day and for the clean slate it brings. There are no do overs; that is why I must live today to my fullest.
This afternoon I am going to my art class with my good friend who continues to share her passion for art with me, reminding me of the beauty and tranquility it offers.
Have a wonderful day and let’s walk through today and not stroll backwards.
Hugs Me

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