trudging my road of happy destiny

Week of April 28

April 28

Good morning,
Since being in sobriety I have become this new woman whom has found a road map for life. I have become that woman I can be proud of on most days, a woman of dignity and honor and a loved child of my God. AA has freely given me these things and all I had to do was to learn, believe and grow by taking the next step forward. I believe there is still rocks to be turned over and lessons to be learned; today I am willing and teachable. AA has taught me to live in the gray area of life and to continue to have those aha moments.
Yesterday and last night were rough; my mind would just not settle down. Ugh! Today I feel some better. This morning I am going to the meeting and then home to take a much needed nap. Sundays are my favorite day of the week.
I hope you have a wonderful day and get to enjoy this beautiful day.
Love Rose

April 29

Good morning,
Well nothing like a spring rainy day to make me feel lazy. My life of sobriety is exactly what I put into to it. If I slack on meetings then my head gets squirrelly, especially when I am lacking proper sleep. These last couple of days I can really feel the effects of both. But, if I do the next right thing, one step after the other I can effect change in my mindset. I can do the same with others just by reaching out and asking the question “How are you doing today?”
Today I have a few goals I hope to achieve and one of these things needs to include reaching out.
So I ask you, “How are you doing today?”
I am thankful my insight timer because when I am in need of some clarity I just need to get quiet and listen to the selection I choose. I am thankful for my sobriety and for the many tools that I have accumulated over the years, which are always there for the choosing. I truly have a blessed life and I owe that to my willingness to believe in something other then myself and by choosing that to be my God.
I hope you have a day blessed with good things and good feelings. I choose joy and contentment this morning.
Love Me

May 3

Good morning,
Back many years ago I thought I had the power to save and change another person and in essence affect their life. AA has taught me that the only person I can save or have to save is myself from the disease of addiction and mental illness. These two ‘demons,’ so to speak, are always in the back ground waiting for me to become vulnerable enough to jump into the for front of my mind and thoughts. Today by God’s grace I have the tools to help me battle these foes that try to ruin my life. The rooms of AA are my salve for the hurts and pains that life can inflict. If I stay current with my sponsor and am honest with myself all things are possible. Holding onto secrets can make and keep me sick.
I don’t do this perfectly all the time, but I have God’s grace to help me stay on the right path of recovery.
Today I am thankful that my mouth isn’t hurting badly at all. I was so dreading this surgery, but thanks to a good doctor and medicine I am staying comfortable and allowing my body to heal.
Today I have so much to be grateful for. It is by God’s grace that I have the life I have today. Not only do I have to tools to help me stay healthy one day at a time, but I have the love and support of the many people in my life. Today I not only have my tools and you all, but I also have gratitude and that makes all of the difference.
Have a blessed day.

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